The visual identity is rooted in the idea of smallness, nurture, care and growth. The main idea is simple: tiny houseplants growing out of tiny cups that act almost like a mini-residency–a small place for nurture and growth. The houseplants are blooming and thriving in their tiny cups, alluding to the resident artists in the mini-residencies.
UrbanApa describes the residency programme as "a series of short residencies that aims to enable and support artists’ and makers’ research or work in progress in a soft, light, and communal way."
Visual identity as seen on social media
The different residency venues
The visual identity primarily consists of four short stop-motion animations of tiny houseplants growing from tiny cups.
The animations were shot in a basic photography setup at home. Using bits from my actual houseplants and tiny cups found in my kitchen, the four animations were initially intended to be tests to see if the concept works. The tests animations looked pretty good, so I decided to use them directly for the identity.
Stop motion animations shot at home in an ad-hoc photography setup
Various cups
An example of all the keyframes in single animation