In 2022, the Finnish pavilion at the 59th Venice Biennale exhibited Pilvi Takala–Close Watch. The multi-channel video installation is based on the artist’s experiences during her six-month employment and research while working covertly for Securitas as a fully qualified security guard in one of Finland’s largest shopping malls.

Communications and event photography for Pilvi Takala–Close Watch

Finnish pavilion at the 59th Venice Biennale

Frame Contemporary Art Finalnd
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Designed by Alvar Aalto in 1956, The Finnish pavilion showcases Finland's national representation during the festival

"Close Watch takes a critical look at how power is exercised in public spaces through the private security industry. The multi-channel video installation is based on the artist’s experiences during her six-month employment and research while working covertly for Securitas as a fully qualified security guard in one of Finland’s largest shopping malls.

Security as a concept and industry defines much of our public space, with tasks in law enforcement increasingly outsourced to a global private security industry. Close Watch extends from Takala’s consistent interrogation of social structures. In this work the artist sheds light on an underpaid, undervalued and underregulated workforce in which guards must face ethical dilemmas to work responsibly in roles learned almost entirely on the job and passed down from senior colleagues."


While working at Frame, the commissioner for the exhibition, I was part of the team who handled communication strategy and digital marketing for the exhibition, along with other production tasks during the opening press week. I also undertook the task of photographing the proceedings of the opening week at the pavilion in the Giardini della Biennale.

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Below are some images taken by me of the opening week. They capture mostly behind-the-scenes and in-between moments during the hectic week. These images were used for official communications, social media and project reports. and served an archival purpose.

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