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Hullabaloo Children's Studio


Visual identity, Space design and Colour strategy for a children's para-learning studio

Hullabaloo Children's Studio in Mumbai, offers classes in arts, music, storytelling, STEM, among others. Their classes are curated to engage and inspire children to imagine and create newness. For the visual identity, the main challenge was to create a brand language that seamlessly transitions between communications and interiors, between image and space.

Copywriting, Marketing and Creative advice: Kripa Kotak. Mural artists: Rajaram & Sachin. Animations by Harsh Tiwari. Voiceover: Anokhi Uppoor. Photography: Aditya Uppoor


Hullabaloo Children's Studio

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Momemtum Magic


Spatial illustration for an educational exhibit at a children's museum



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Infragraphy Vol 2


Student publication / Essay / Contemporary art / Circuit bending / Inequality

from Samir Bhowmik's blog post: INFRAGRAPHY Volume 2. is a compilation of critical student artworks and short essays dealing with the materialities of media technologies and their environmental implications. These works and texts are the outcomes from the course ‘Media and the Environment’ in the Fall of 2019 at the Department of Media, Aalto University. The course was a series of scholarly readings about and around the themes of media including media’s relations and impacts on the so-called Anthropocene, thermocultures of media, ecologies of fabrication, media and plastics, Internet of Things, Planned Obsolescence, e-waste, and media’s energetic landscapes. A key approach of the course was also introducing artistic methods and practices that could address emerging media materialities. The final exhibition of the course was a collection of student artworks as a response to the contemporary discourse of political economy of media and related environmental implications.

Editor_Samir Bhowmik | Authors_Gurden Batra, Ameya Chikramane, Punit Hiremath, Eerika Jalasaho, Reishabh Kailey, Leo Kosola, Kevan Murtagh, Surabhi Nadig, Takayuki Nakashima, Julia Sand, Liisi Soroush, Hanna Thenor Årström


Aalto Medialab

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FITech: Visualising teaching material


Advance Business Management – A collaboration between seven Finnish universities

This Advanced Project-based Management course was organized concurrently with FITech's Advanced Project-based Management course with Aalto University as the host university in 2018. FITech (Finnish Institute of Technology) is a network of universities of technology in Finland and it is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The course is organized in cooperation with Aalto University (Prof. Karlos Artto), Åbo Akademi University (Prof. Kim Wikström), Tampere University of Technology (Prof. Tuomas Ahola), and University of Oulu (Prof. Jaakko Kujala). I was hired to develop a consistent visual language across the diverse course content emerging from different professors from different universities.


Tampere University, Åbo Akademi University, Aalto University, University of Oulu